Sunday, December 2, 2007


So... I think I've lost the camera temporarily. I know that it is either in my room or in the main room, in its bag. Therefore, no food photos. However, I just did a massive amount of baking for the Thanksgiving holiday and I'm about to do some more for Christmas. I think I did about 12 pies or so... pumpkin, apple, apple-cranberry, and pecan. They were quite tasty... at least the ones I had were. I also got good reviews from the people who ordered them. I currently have 6 or 7 pies to make for Christmas, so it'll be interesting to see how I can mesh that with work and school, considering that I don't have any long weekends to make the pies or prep at all. *sigh* I'll make it work.

^_^ Wheee I have a date with Captain Obvious coming up soon~~ It's going to be much fun! I think I'll make another batch of chocolates to take with us.

End of Semester is slowly creeping upon me... woohoo, halfway through the year!

Work is the incredible-- the only negative is that i have less time to spend with C. Obvious.